Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Lowongan Kerja Purchasing Staff PT Titan Group Jakarta/Diploma/Januari 2010

The Titan Group of Companies is one of the fast growing privately held IT, Telecommunication, Energy, Property, and Agro Business organization in Indonesia. The Group owns or holds interests in companies ranging from IT system integration and distribution services, contact center outsourcing, wire-line telecom development to coal and minerals mining, oil & gas upstream and downstream businesses. We need a good amployee as :

Purchasing Staff
  1. Candidate possess a Bachelor's Degree or at least Diploma's Degree majoring in any field.
  2. Interest in job specializing in Purchasing/Inventory/Material & Warehouse Management or equivalent with main job role in Purchasing or equivalent.
  3. There are 4 full-Time positions available.
  4. Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status. 
Please send your complete CV to:

HRD Titan Group
Graha BIP Lt. 9
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav 23, Jakarta 12930
Email to:
CC to: &
Please visit our website: 

Advertised: 4-1-10
Closing Date: 2-2-10

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