Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Lowongan Kerja Sales PT Ostenco Promitra Jaya Jakarta/SMU/Diploma/Januari 2010

PT. Ostenco Promitra Jaya as a Trading Machinery & Engineering company, seeking for highly dynamic people to join the position as below:

  1. Male, max. 28 years old
  2. High school education with min 3 years, selling experience.
  3. Or Diploma degree with min 1 year, selling experience.
  4. Good negotiation & selling presentation and communication skill.
  5. Good looking & representative.
  6. Have a good networking of selling.
  7. Living in Jakarta area
  8. Have own vehicle
  9. Achievement sales target
  10. Maintain existing customer
Find new prospect and expand marketing area You may e-mail your detailed resume (with a recent photograph) to ostenco@link.net.id or mail your resume to :

PT Ostenco Promitra Jaya
Jln. P. Jayakarta No. 89
Jakarta Pusat 10730
Email: ostenco@link.net.id or cc : recruitmentopj@gmail.com

Advertised: 14-1-10
Closing Date: 12-2-10

Ingin Berlangganan Info Lowongan Kerja : Silahkan Masukan Alamat Email Anda:

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