Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Lowongan Kerja Marketing Regional Jawa Tengah/D3/Februari 2010

A Forwarding Company needs highly motivated and qualified candidates due to expand our company for the position of:

Marketing Regional
(Jawa Tengah)


  1. Male
  2. Min. D3 / S1 graduated.
  3. Must have sales experiences in forwading company min. 5 years.
  4. Hard worker, honest and good communication skill, with good attitude
  5. Excellent in personality, health, mature and self motivated.
  6. Having potential database of client.
  7. Sales Target and Result Oriented with aggressively spirit to approach customers.
  8. Excellent in communication and negotiation with customers. 

Send your application and complete CV with full details of main responsibilities, recent photo, including expected salary and phone number to:

PO BOX 1245 KS 12012

Fax: 021-7659220 MAX 2 PAGES
e-mail : santoso_pt@yahoo.co.id
(file attachment just CV)

Advertised: 12-2-10 |
Closing Date: 13-3-10 

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