Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

Lowongan Kerja Sales Administration Officer Jakarta/D3/Maret 2010

We are an industrial trading company, invite competent and results oriented individual to join us as :
Sales Administration Officer

(Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Utara)

  1. Female, max. 25 years old.
  2. Min. D3 - Secretarial/Business Administration/Accounting/Marketing.
  3. Have Experience min 1 year.
  4. Having good business correspondence skill.
  5. Attractive appearance with good communication skill.
  6. Good team player and filling documents.
  7. Fluently in English [Oral & Written].
  8. Computer literate [Ms. Windows, Ms. Office, etc].

The position will be interviewd and based in Jakarta & Surabaya. Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph to recruitment@sataka.com

PT Sataka Tiwikrama
Heavy Industrial / Machinery / Equipment
Jl Jembatan Dua Raya No 16-06 Jakarta 14450

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