Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Lowongan Kerja Secretary PT. Ostenco Promitra Jaya Jakarta/Februari 2010

Lowongan Kerja

PT. Ostenco Promitra Jaya as a Trading Machinery & Engineering company, seeking for highly dynamic people to join the position as below:



  1. Female, age 25 - 30 years old
  2. Min. D3 from secretary / economic / management / administration
  3. At least 2 years experience in same field
  4. Computer literate
  5. English excellent (oral & writing) is a must
  6. Pleasant personality with good communication & interpersonal skills
  7. Having positive work attitude, ethics and a team player
  8. Trustworthy, dedicated, highly self motivated and ability to work with limited supervisor
  9. Living in Jakarta area
  10. Provide high level personal support to the Director & corporate
  11. Correspondence, filing document and administrative work
  12. Advise & co-ordinate all meetings and appointments and pass relevant information on to staff
  13. Coordinate all business functions

You may e-mail your detailed resume (with a recent photograph) to :

PT Ostenco Promitra Jaya
Jln. P. Jayakarta No. 89
Jakarta Pusat 10730

Advertised: 8-2-10
Closing Date: 9-3-10

Ingin Berlangganan Info Lowongan Kerja : Silahkan Masukan Alamat Email Anda:

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