Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Lowongan Kerja Administrasi PT Cahaya Angela Bunda Banten/D3/Maret 2010

We are an educational company established in 2010 to seize business opportunities in the education sector. We provide “education” in the broadest sense of the word. Specialized in early childhood education, our mission is to add value trough an early education. In order to deliver our mission, we invite all of the young and creative individuals to be the part of our successful team.



  1. Pria/Wanita, Usia Maksimal 30 Tahun
  2. Pendidikan minimal. D3 - Sederajat
  3. Berpenampilan dan berkepribadian menarik serta komunikatif
  4. Berpengalaman Min. 2 tahun dibidang Administrasi
  5. Menguasai Microsoft Office & Internet
  6. Berdomisili di Tangerang 

Please submit your CV and application letter along with recent photograph to:

Or send a hard copy to

PT Cahaya Angela Bunda 
Ruko Jalur Sutra Jl. Jalur Sutra Kav. 30 D No. 12-15 Alam Sutra

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The Blog is About Information of Job Vacancies In Indonesia. Making CV, Aplications Letter and Interview tips. The Examples of CV and Aplications Letter. And All about Job Seekers.


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