Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Lowongan Kerja Administration Staff Ara Indonesia Jakarta/SMK/Diploma/Maret 2010

Ara Indonesia is a psychological and management consulting company, dedicated to provide integrated solution to your business’ needs. Our team consists of industrial and organizational psychologists, management and educational practitioners, counselors, information technology designers, information technology designers and professionals who have commitment to provide embodied services in developing human resources. Our key point of difference from other HR consultants is our approach in offering the solutions. We use our training and experience in psychology, management and information technology to help organizations implement integrated human resources management strategy effectively, especially in the execution of selection and recruitment, training and development, career coaching, promotion, succession planning and performance management. Our focus is on people in organization how to help employees in organization develop themselves and make use of their maximum potentials in work life.

To expand our team, immediately we are looking for enthusiast, result oriented, communicative, and competent professionals to fill in the following positions :


  1. Female, minimum age 20 years old
  2. Graduated from Academy of Secretary or SMK majoring in Office Administration
  3. Have at least 1 years experience in the same field, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  4. Have pleasant personality, energetic, self driven, organized, well-mannered
  5. Excellent communication skills
  6. Meticulous, result oriented, proactive (able to follow through)
  7. Fluent in English both oral and written will be an advantage
  8. Established in Microsoft Office, especially in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point
  9. Preferably able to work immediately 

Send application letter, up dated and complete CV with recent photograph to:

Advertised: 18-3-10 | Closing Date: 16-4-10

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The Blog is About Information of Job Vacancies In Indonesia. Making CV, Aplications Letter and Interview tips. The Examples of CV and Aplications Letter. And All about Job Seekers.


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