Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Lowongan Kerja Media Staff BINA NUSANTARA Jakarta/Diploma/Maret 2010

Lowongan Kerja

BINA NUSANTARA (BINUS) is a leading education institution in Indonesia. Over the years, BINUS has been expanding to International School, University and Training & Language Center to answer various and high quality education needs. BINUS is one of the fastest growing organizations in education field that has a comfortable workplace as well as an excellent prospect to professional career and development.

Media Staff

  1. Min. Bachelor Degree in Journalism
  2. Has min. 1 year work experience in a relevant position or field
  3. Has writing skills
  4. Journalist experience is highly preferred
  5. Self-motivated but also a Team Player at the same time
  6. Excellent written and spoken English
  7. Good analytical & conceptual thinking skills, creative & innovative
  8. Computer proficiency and familiar with the Internet
  9. Good communication skills
  10. Willing to work on Saturdays and to be located in all BINUS units/locations

Bina Nusantara
Jl Kebon Jeruk Raya No 27 Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11530

Advertised: 18-3-10 | Closing Date: 30-4-10.

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