Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Lowongan Kerja Business Reprensentative (BR) PT Kalbe Nutritionals Jakarta/D3/Januari 2010

Job Application

Business Reprensentative (BR)
  1. Lead people in achieving the highest performance
  2. Develop relationship within health food industry
  3. Handle daily operation activities
  4. Manage products portfolio to optimize sales and profit
Candiates Criteria :
  1. Max. 26 years old
  2. Min. D3, GPA of 2,75 or higher
  3. Leadership role in university and / or extra curriculer activities
  4. Must be willing to relocate anywhere in Indonesia
  5. Creative problem solver
  6. Excellent interpersonal and communication
  7. Capicity and motivation for hard work and commitmment to excellence
  8. Strong desire to learn new things and share knowledge to others
  9. Computer literate
  10. Passive English
Kalbe Nutritionals (Sanghiang Perkasa)
Consumer Products / FMCG
Private Limited Company, Local Based Company
Gd Graha kirana Lt.8 Jl Yos Sudarso Kav 88 Sunter Jakarta Utara 10000

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