Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Lowongan Kerja Marketing Executives of Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd Jakarta/

Educating 100 million people worldwide, PEARSON EDUCATION is the global leader in educational publishing, providing research-based print and digital programs to help students of all ages learn at their own pace, and in their own way. We have some very exciting developments in Indonesia and are inviting qualified and highly motivated individuals to join our team as:


You will be responsible for promoting English Language Teaching School or Higher and Professional Education, books/titles to teachers, lecturers and professors at local schools and various tertiary institutions as text to be purchased by parents and students. Your customers' base will also include libraries and book retailers. You will be involved in planning and executing strategies to achieve sales and profitability targets set by the Manager.


You should possess at least a university degree and a valid driving license, with preferably a minimum of 2 years' sales experience. You must be self-motivated, a quick learner, independent and possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills. It is essential that you are results oriented and able to perform under pressure. You should also be a good team player with the willingness to take on new challenges in a dynamic and fast-paced environment.

Candidates with experience in teaching/training and are familiar with English language teaching, as well as fresh graduates with good aptitudes are also welcome to apply.

Successful candidates can expect a competitive remuneration package and rewarding career in a challenging environment. If you would like to invest your career with us, please apply by 15 January 2010. Please send your detailed resume, indicating current and expected salaries to: human.resources@pearson.com

We thank you in advance for your applications but regret to inform that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Printing / Publishing
Private Limited Company, Local Based Company
23/25 First Lok Yang Road Singapore 629733

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