Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Lowongan Kerja Brand & Marketing Assistant Manager PT Agata Promar Jakarta/D1/D3 Januari 2010

PT Agata Promar is seeking for a young and energetic person to join us as a :

Brand & Marketing Assistant Manager
Job Descriptions
  1. Responsible to increase our brands awareness in the targeted market segment and measure the result
  2. Planning a media plan or marketing plan for the brands handled
  3. Fully supervising & monitoring the media / marketing plans implementations
  4. Actively involved with diecast collectors in the communities, both via websites, collector's gathering, exhibitions, or swap & meet
Absolute Required Skills
  1. Good communication skills, both spoken and written in proper business style / informal style as required. Eg. making press release or doing radio interview
  2. Able to actively publish, post & communicate in web forums, mailing lists & other websites such facebook / tweeter
  3. Able to take pictures with digital camera and edit them in Photoshop (basic skill) for website usage
  4. Proactive & creative
Other requirements
1. Male, due to to handling boy toys
2. Familiarity with diecasts collecting / hobby collecting
3. Has own transportation

Please email your resume / CV with a recent & good picture of yourself in doc, html or pdf, to:

If you are int
erviewed, you will be tested for both speaking & writing skills for your knowledge of diecast & your ability in making product sheets or press release. So please only apply if you are fully qualified.

Only fully qualified and short listed applicants will be called for an interview.

Post Date: 01/02/2010
Hours: Associate Degree - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Location: Meruya, Jakarta / Indonesia
Working Term: Permanent Position
Salary: 2 jt - 3 jt
Application Deadline: 15 Februari 2010

PT Agata Promar
Address: Taman Meruya Plasa Blok E14/10, Meruya Ilir, Jakbar, 11620, Indonesia
Website: http://agatapromar.com
Company Description: Diecast, Toys, Hobby Products, Art & Craft distributor.

Ingin Berlangganan Info Lowongan Kerja : Silahkan Masukan Alamat Email Anda:

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