Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Lowongan Kerja FLIGHT ATTENDANT PT Indonesia AirAsia Jakarta/SMU/D1/D3/S1 Januari 2010

Be part of Asia's Youngest and Most Beautiful Fleet. 

(Bali, Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur)
  1. Candidate must possess at least a SMU, Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in any field.
  2. Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
  3. Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
  4. Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  5. 1 Contract positions available
  6. Age Min 18 Years old, Max 27 Years Of age
  7. Height Min 165 cm
Absolute Essential:
  • Happy, fun personality
  • Inexhaustible smile
  • Boundless energy
  • Genuine interest to serve people
  • Fluent spoken English
  • Good communication skills
  • Have a passport more advantage
  • Benefits Include:
  • A change of a lifetime to be part of the most progressive airline in Asia
  • Very attractive salary, allowance, and remuneration package
  • Free flights
  1. Original and 1 photocopy ID (KTP) and passport if any
  2. 1 recent colored head and shoulder photograph (passport size)
  3. 1 recent colored full-body photograph (postcard size)
  4. Application Letter & Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  5. Original & copies of education and other relevant certificates.
  6. Photo copy SKCK (Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian)
PT Indonesia AirAsia
Aerospace / Aviation / Airline
Private Limited Company, Local Based Company
Office Management Building,2 Floor Terminal IA Departure,Soekarno Hatta International Cengkareng -

Advertised: 24-1-10
Closing Date: 5-2-10.

Ingin Berlangganan Info Lowongan Kerja : Silahkan Masukan Alamat Email Anda:

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